a p p r o a c h t o t h e h a m e a u
from the story "L'Hameau de la Reine Marie Antoinette"
I am thrilled to have my photo story on Marie Antoinette's hameau featured in this month's issue of
And what a beautiful issue it is, filled with all things romantic, feminine, fun, and French!

I've found lots of new Etsy shops I need to visit, and also several new blogs I need to check out. And at under $20 for not just one, but TWO subscriptions, it makes the perfect gift for yourself and a friend!
Thank you Mimi Bleu, for doing such a wonderful, creative job with your magazine!
I haven't posted in two weeks because my internet has been down. While that was sort of frustrating on one hand, on the other, it was just what I needed to get me off of Pinterest!!!
God's in charge, even with the internet!
So, while I had some time, I finished a
Mixed Media art piece
played with BooBoo...
And I read a lot of French books...
Cleaned out one of my art storage closets in the mudroom, which looked like this
and now looks like this
except that the counter and sink are now gone, and tomorrow the darling Monsieur Master Carpenter who lives here will begin to transform this space into a new powder room.
I also switched out the stuffing in my globes de mariage, on the fireplace mantle,
Oh, but I lost that tall one when the big picture frame to the right blew off the wall from the explosion in my fireplace...
I will not tell you about that, except to say
And I was also tagged by the ever-so-sweet Irina, and have to answer some probing [fun] questions, but that will take some thinking...
There is still room in our
Photography Workshop in Paris and Normandy
July 6-11
scroll down to see more samples of our photographic technique
and contact me for more details
God's in charge, even with the internet!
So, while I had some time, I finished a
Mixed Media art piece
played with BooBoo...
And I read a lot of French books...
Cleaned out one of my art storage closets in the mudroom, which looked like this
and now looks like this
except that the counter and sink are now gone, and tomorrow the darling Monsieur Master Carpenter who lives here will begin to transform this space into a new powder room.
I also switched out the stuffing in my globes de mariage, on the fireplace mantle,
Oh, but I lost that tall one when the big picture frame to the right blew off the wall from the explosion in my fireplace...
I will not tell you about that, except to say
And I was also tagged by the ever-so-sweet Irina, and have to answer some probing [fun] questions, but that will take some thinking...
There is still room in our
Photography Workshop in Paris and Normandy
July 6-11
scroll down to see more samples of our photographic technique
and contact me for more details
au revoir,mes belles